历史专业的学生Ryan M. 约翰逊博士. 捐赠奖学金获得者

Recent 历史 alumna 奥利维亚·坎贝尔 was named the recipient of the Ryan M. 约翰逊博士. 捐赠奖学金. Campbell was also a Flight Assistant at the Challenger Learning 在Montco potstown的中心. Gabi Lanza摄

Recent 历史 alumna 奥利维亚·坎贝尔 was named the recipient of the Ryan M. 约翰逊 博士学位. 捐赠奖学金. Campbell was also a Flight Assistant at the Challenger Learning 在Montco potstown的中心. Gabi Lanza摄

When 奥利维亚·坎贝尔 enrolled as a student at 蒙哥马利县社区学院, she wasn’t sure what she wanted to do with her life.

她服药后一切都变了 历史 Assistant Professor Douglas Powell’s class at MCCC’s Pottstown校园 and discovered 对主题本身的热爱.

“I took his classes three semesters in a row. 我真的很喜欢. 他的课程使 me decide I wanted to teach history,” she said. “你可以在任何级别上做到这一点. 我很 much enjoyed his classes and 学习ed a lot from him.”

奥利维亚·坎贝尔今天,她的热情得到了回报. Campbell, 21, a 2021 Boyertown Area Senior High graduate, is the 2024 recipient of the Ryan M. 约翰逊博士. 赋予 奖学金. This prestigious award is given to a graduating student who has displayed academic excellence, a passion for history coursework, commitment to ongoing education, and 克服障碍的韧性. Each year, the funding is awarded directly to the recipient’s student account at the four-year institution to which they are 转移 to celebrate the journey of continued education.

2013年,Dr。. Ryan 约翰逊, a beloved professor of 历史 at MCCC’s Pottstown校园 32岁去世. Dr. 约翰逊 was a dedicated educator with a passion for history and a belief in the importance of higher education and lifelong 学习ing. 学生 eagerly signed up for his courses and fellow faculty and staff enjoyed working 与他并肩. It was a significant loss to the College, his loved ones, and the community 在大.

为了纪念博士. 约翰逊’s love of history and devotion to education, his family and 朋友们设立了奖学金.

“It definitely really meant a lot to me especially,” Campbell said on receiving the 奖学金. “Going into history, specifically for history education, to have something to encourage students to continue 学习ing history from a history teacher was an incredible 机会.”

Campbell, of Barto, Berks County, started at the College in the spring of 2022 and found friends by becoming 的一部分 groups on campus. 2023年5月,她加入了 戏剧艺术 Department for a field trip to see a production of the musical “Hadestown.“这是 w在这里 she met Theatre Assistant Professor Jessica DalCanton, who suggested she help out with the fall production of “Pillowman” as an assistant stage manager.

“When I showed up for the first rehearsal in the fall, they said ‘The the original 舞台监督做不到. 你能做到吗??’”坎贝尔说. “我说,‘我想我可以 学习.’”

She ended up stage managing the fall production and the spring production of “首页 Free,” with Theatre Assistant Professor Timothy Gallagher.

“I was happy to find the theater community,” she said. “这是超级有趣的 的一部分.”

坎贝尔也是 Phi Theta Kappa, the international honor society for two-year colleges. 此外,她是收件人 of Excellence in Liberal Arts Award, for history and political science. 是鲍威尔 谁提名她的?.

Lastly, Campbell has been a Flight Assistant at the 挑战者学习中心 at Montco Pottstown since January 2023, assisting with the hands-on missions for 中学生. She works with students directly and helps when they need it, whether it’s in math, reading or finding ways to get the most out of their two-hour 会话. She said it’s good practice for her future career.

“I’ve been developing my abilities to work with students,” she said. 她感谢沟通 研究副教授 梅雷迪斯•弗兰克她鼓励她申请这个职位. 她还感谢了挑战者号的团队 for welcoming her and for all their support during her time working t在这里.

Campbell said she’s also enjoyed studying at MCCC, and in particular Pottstown校园, 因为人们会记住你.

“工作人员认得你,”她说. “And I say hi to the security guards, the custodian. When I was getting ready for Commencement and picking up my cap and gown, everyone 表示祝贺.”

Even before Commencement, Campbell said the staff in 职业服务 帮助她为mcc之后的生活做准备.

“It was easy to make an appointment,” she said, “and they had lots of suggestions 申请地点. 我有朋友对它赞不绝口. 他们让你做好准备 success while at Montco and even after you graduated.”

今年秋天,坎贝尔 转移 to the University of Delaware to major in 历史 Education, and minor in Museum 研究. She’d like to teach middle school history or became a museum educator and develop outreach programs for students in middle school. 她把这归功于她的教育 at MCCC for helping her find her way to this point.

“It feels like I had a successful time 在这里,” she said. “当我进来的时候,我没有 我知道我想做什么. 毕业了,我觉得准备好了. 通过上课,我学到了东西 很多,缩小了我的未来. I work in a job I love and met so many new people, and Montco even helped me reconnect with old friends. 我过得很成功 在这里.”

蒙哥马利县社区学院 基金会 is able to make a difference in the lives of students, like Campbell, thanks to the generosity of alumni, parents, community friends, private foundations, and corporations. To see how you can make a difference and discuss how your gift can be most meaningful 给你,联系 基金会 或致电215-641-6324.